What I offer

What woman does not wish for appealing and beautiful breasts?
Following plastic surgery, medical pigmentation can achieve remarkable results with nipple design and scar camouflage.
Colour matched exactly to the patient’s skin colour and then pigmented into the skin. Following a breast amputation, the operation scar can be camouflaged with this procedure and a non-existent nipple can be colour-matched with the remaining nipple so that natural conformity can be achieved.

In men and women, trichopigmentation/scalp pigmentation is very common in cases of hair loss or after hair transplantation.
Hair thinning or hair loss is a common phenomenon. Tricho pigmentation or also called scalp pigmentation is a permanent pigmentation technique that is an alternative option for men and women suffering from hair loss or alopcia areata. Chemo patients or people who have had a hair transplant are also frequent clients. Scalp pigmentation can create the impression of denser looking hair or even a complete head covering, i.e. "shaved look".

In the sector of medical pigmentation, a cleft palate can be camouflaged or optical lip correction can be carried out after a cleft palate operation or after a burn or accident.Also the Trichopigmetation is a important treatment for men and also women.

Vitiligo, or white spot disease, is a harmless skin disorder that primarily affects young people. It is a pigment disorder that leads to permanent white patches on the skin - a psychological burden for many of those affected. Vitiligo cannot yet be cured. It is possible to cover up the corresponding spots and thus help the affected person to gain more self-confidence.